Morning AGAIINN.
I'm so restless.
I don't want to sleeeeepp.
AND LOL! There was a black-out at my area yesterday, I just sat there dumb-found staring into the darkness and then I ran to my parents. Its scary, I absolutely hate black-outs. They are so sudden and it freaks me out too, haha.
And I added in a comment page along with the drawing link, click on it and you'll see what I draw. (:
I might not update daily though, it would just consist of sketches or a full-drawing rarely.
There was a blackout? Huh.
Maybe you have ADD. (on the restless subject)
What what no way.
I just don't like to sleep, does that mean I have ADD?
Its hard for me to sleep at night these days, I'm tired in the morning.
I don't want to turn nocturnal.
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