Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Amaaazzzing grace.

How sweeeeeet the sound.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why hello.

Here are some really creepy occurances and coincidents before the event of September 11, 2001 ( 911 ) took place.


Subconscious coded messages: Mysteries of the Mind- Prophetic Coding?

Dan Brown’s best selling book The Da Vinci Code alleges ancient art and architecture might be coded but this practice is hardly relegated to the world of ancient art. Here are a few examples of the bizarre phenomenon of subconscious future coding in pop culture involving September 11, 2001 that you might have missed.

Spider-man (filmed in 2001 before terrorist attacks)

Notice the NY Twin Towers reflected in Spiderman's eyes. This frame appears
55:46 minutes into the movie: Sony says this is merely coincidental.

9 11

55 + 46 = 911

(The Matrix 1999) Notice Neo's Passport expires on September 11, 2001

The Simpsons, "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" Orig. airdate September 21, 1997.
Look at the way the Newspaper is formatted, the 9 and the 11 as the twin towers, see it? 911


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So I decided..

..To get back on bloggers.

I have come baring a sad but funny video of a drunken man getting more beer. (He is obviously on something much stronger than Alcohol though, drunk people would hurl at this sort of state.)

I feel bad for laughing afterwards though. ):
But see kids, don't take drugs. You'll end up like this man -- a complete laughing-stock on Youtube.

Freak man, he looks like he is walking to get beer in a freaking hurricane!

Monday, October 5, 2009


I finally freaking got a new computer and it is so fast.

Lag-less. 8 gd.
I feel like my life has been rebooted.
Nice nice nice.

Flores e Flowers

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